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Culture Shaping

Culture can be defined by the collective attitudes and behaviors of the people in our community. It is our desire to be influencers of our culture so that our community might exhibit the attitudes and behaviors that reflect the heart of God.

Jesus is the ultimate culture shaper. He lived counter-culturally, not to condemn the culture, but to reshape it. He crossed racial, gender, political and religious lines in order to communicate the steadfast, impartial love of God. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and as He interacted with the outcasts and outsiders, He helped His followers see that the Gospel is available to all people in all places at all times. This was a revolutionary concept for the Jewish person, so Jesus was intentional in His ministry to travel to Samaria, to touch lepers and to allow children to come to Him. In the same way, we will intentionally seek opportunities to shape our culture by pressing into challenging areas that will allow us to declare a Biblical Worldview that aligns with God’s heart.

The Culture Shaping church needs to be the constant and stable influence in a culture that constantly shifts and flows with the wind of the time. Being Gospel Centered, Neighbor Loving, and Disciple Making will be the things that set us apart and allow us to help in shaping the culture not only in Salem, but in Oregon and around the globe.

(I John 4:18; Matt. 10:16-42; John 13:34-36; I Peter 1:14-16; I Peter 3:14-17)


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