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Bringing men into a life-changing relationship with God and each other


Spiritual disciplines such as Bible reading, Scripture memorization, worship, prayer, and sharing your faith are vital for personal growth and lasting impact. We encourage you to take the next step in your faith and build deeper relationships with God and your community. Remember, The growth and connection you experience depend on what you put into it. Come join us and be part of the journey!


Thursdays.  6:30-8:30.  5 Bay.  

Thursday Nights is Guys Night!  Men, join us in the 5 Bay on Northblock for a time of fellowship, Bible Study and prayer.  We will be studying 1 Peter together.  You'll be glad you came.  

Starts on January 16th, 2024.  No need to sign up.  Just show up!

Men's Lunch

We are in constant pursuit to provide the resources to equip men and grow Godly leaders. We exist to change a culture, one man at a time. Start your journey today.


The Boy Scout Troop that meets at  Salem First Baptist is unique as it functions under the Men’s Ministry.  How?  It is dads mentoring sons. Dads get to invest in other boys and their sons get to have other men invest in them. Our troop is NOT a drop off program, rather it involves all the dads that can and some moms that want to see their sons surrounded by Godly examples under the excuse of Scouting, skill building and outdoor adventures. We focus on Rank Requirements, Camping Adventures, Leadership Training, Merit Badges, and Service Projects.  We camp one weekend a month year round plus a week long summer camp in the summer.   We are a Christian Troop that is not only a great place for 11- 17 year old boys, but also dads to experience friendships and laughter around the campfire. Come check us out in the garages behind First Lube on Monday evenings from 6:30-8pm.

Boy Scouts
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