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Wednesday nights
6:30pm to 8pm
(T&T 8:10pm)

For kids 3yrs - 5th Grade

Midweek Kids


Text @midweek24 to 81010 to get weather notifications and to stay updated on special nights and events. This is the best way to stay connected.


Midweek Kids


Cubbies is for potty-trained 3 & 4-year-olds.  Cubbies will receive a vest and patches as they go through their books together each week. Cubbies participate in songs, stories, games, puppet time, small groups, crafts, and more! 


midweek kids leadership


Cubbies Director
- Lori Patterson 


Sparks clubbers, kinder through 2nd graders, can learn at their own pace while traveling the “road” to Jesus with Sparkie.  Sparks clubbers receive a tee shirt and backpack and earn sticker jewels throughout the year. Sparks can earn “Sparky Bucks” by memorizing verses, wearing their shirt and bringing their Bible, having their parents sign off on their sections, etc.  Three times a year Sparkies will have the opportunity to spend their Sparky Bucks in the Sparky Store.  Sparks clubbers participate in group game time, worship, story time, verse/section memory and more.  

Midweek kids leadership


Sparks Director
- Nicki Mitchell


Truth & Training, grades 3-5, are challenged each week to put into practice what Jesus taught.  T&T clubbers move together through their book at the same pace.  T&T Clubbers will receive a t-shirt and cross-body backpack and will earn buttons throughout the year. T&T clubbers can choose to participate in either game time or art/craft time during club each week.  In addition to games or crafts, T&T clubbers will also participate in worship, bible lesson, and small group time each club night.

Midweek Kids Calendar


Children’s Ministry Director - Stephanie Thorp  
503.364.2285 |


Midweek kids leadership
Volunteer at Midweek Kids

We are always looking for volunteers to help make our program run well, contact Stephanie if you are interested in volunteering with Midweek Kids!  All volunteers are background checked and trained to ensure your clubbers safety and security.


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