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Watch or listen to last week's sermon or find a previous sermon series in the archives. 

From Why to Worship

August 25-September 8

Pastor Jeff and Pastor Tyler preach from the Book of Habakkuk in this 3 week series

All things made new

September 10, 2023-August 4, 2024

Pastor Mark preaches from the Book of John in this new Fall series

Forceful Christians

September 3

Pastor Mark preaches from Matthew chapter 11 verses 1-15

23 Envision

June 11

Join us as we celebrate what God has done this past year and look forward to what He has in the future

Empowered to make a difference

April 16

Guest speaker John Mark Yeats, new president of Corban University preaches from Acts 1:7-8

What A Beautiful Name

December 11-25

Pastor Mark shares a series for Christmas that focuses on Christ and the Gospel

power of persistence

September 4

Pastor Jeff preaches on one of Jesus' parables from the Book of Luke 18:1-8


June 12

Pastor Mark and Pastor Jeff celebrate our history and share our goals for 2023

courageous living

Feb 13-March 13

Pastor Mark preaches a series on Joshua

From Why to Worship

Nov 28-Dec 26

6 week series on Advent from the book of Isaiah

From Why to Worship

August 15-Sept 5

Pastor Mark brings a 4 week series from the Psalms

From Why to Worship

July 25

Pastor Tyler preaches on Paul's prayer to the church in Ephesians 1

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June 5

Reflections from the Altar


May 16

Pastor Jeff shares a message from Genesis 32:22-31

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Feb 14-Mar 7

Pastor Mark teaches from the Book of Habakkuk

Attitude Adjustment

August 18

Pastor Mark preaches from Luke 17:1-10 in a sermon entitled Attitude Adjustment

2024 Envision Weekend

June 16

The staff present a look back on what God did and look forward to what He will do in 2024-2025

Discovering Hope

May 14-August 27

Pastor Mark begins a new series on how God wants you to live and experience the fruit of a happy life.

How did He do that?

May 7

Pastor Jeff preaches on how Jesus resisted Satan's attempts of temptation in Matthew 4:1-11

Our Beautiful Messy Life

January 8-April 23

Pastor Mark continues the series in 1 Corinthians

REFLECTIONS from a life of ministry

December 4

Jim Thorp shares about his ministry through the lens of 2 Timothy 4

Remember the Gospel

August 14

Pastor Mark shares from 2 Timothy during our outdoor service

courageous living

April 24-May 29

Pastor Mark continues the series in the Book of Joshua


Jan 9-Feb 6

Pastor Mark teaches on 5 issues that get us stuck in our relationship with Christ

From Why to Worship

Oct 30-Nov 21

A 4 week series looking at the challenges that face the church today.

From Why to Worship

August 1-August 8

Pastor Jeff teaches from Ecclesiastes 12 and how if you fear God you will have peace

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June 19-July 18

Pastor Mark preaches from the book of 2 Thessalonians on the return of Christ


May 30

Pastor Mark shares a message from Philippians 2:19-30

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Mar 21-May 9

Pastor Mark dives into a series on the book of 1 Corinthians 13: 1-7

A Gift to the City

August 11

Pastor Mark preaches from Psalm 55 on how we can be a Church for the City

Priority One

October 29

Gary Peterson from Wycliffe shares on Bible Translation for Priority One Weekend

Food for thought

July 30

Pastor Jeff preaches from John 6:25-35 on how Jesus is the Bread of Life.


April 30

Pastor Jeff Poush teaches from the Book of Leviticus on holiness

Rhythms Of Grace

January 1

Pastor Mark preaches from Lamentations 3:16-26 about the Rhythms of Grace

our beautiful messy life

September11-November 27

Pastor Mark brings us a series from the Book of 1 Corinthians.

Deep Dive

June 5-Sept. 4

Pastor Mark takes a Deep Dive into the Book of 1 John

 There Is Hope In Jesus

Apr 15-17

Good Friday & Easter services

From Why to Worship

Jan 2

Pastor Jeff preaches from Exodus 17:8-16

From Why to Worship

Sept 12-Oct 17

Pastor Mark takes on a 6 week journey into the Bride of Christ and what it look's like in Jesus' eyes.

From Why to Worship

August 1

Pastor Jeff preaches from Ecclesiastes 1 and how we should focus on eternal things


June 12

We look ahead to what God has planned and look back at what He has done

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May 23

Pastor Tyler shares a message from 2 Peter 2


March 14

Pastor Jeff Poush teaches on what it means to be a church for the city


February 7

Guest pastor Al Perkins shares from the book of Matthew

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January 9

Pastor Jeff brings the message from 1 John 1:1-4 about the joy that Jesus brings

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Jan 16-Jan 31

Pastor Mark preaches on how to start the year off the right way


Dec 29-Jan 3

Pastor Jeff and Pastor Mark share on how to remember the past and plan for the future

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Sept 12-Nov 29

Pastor Mark preaches in the book of Colossians

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Dec 5-Dec 19

Pastor Mark preaches the birth of Jesus in the first 3 chapters of Matthew


September 5

Pastor Tyler shares from the book of Nahum


August 22

Pastor Jeff teaches on how we stand firm in the mighty hand of God from 1 Peter


August 29

Pastor Jeff teaches that to show the world you're a christian, you show them Jesus

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