W A T C H & L I S T E N
August 25-September 8
Pastor Jeff and Pastor Tyler preach from the Book of Habakkuk in this 3 week series
September 10, 2023-August 4, 2024
Pastor Mark preaches from the Book of John in this new Fall series
September 3
Pastor Mark preaches from Matthew chapter 11 verses 1-15
June 11
Join us as we celebrate what God has done this past year and look forward to what He has in the future
April 16
Guest speaker John Mark Yeats, new president of Corban University preaches from Acts 1:7-8
December 11-25
Pastor Mark shares a series for Christmas that focuses on Christ and the Gospel
September 4
Pastor Jeff preaches on one of Jesus' parables from the Book of Luke 18:1-8
June 12
Pastor Mark and Pastor Jeff celebrate our history and share our goals for 2023
Feb 13-March 13
Pastor Mark preaches a series on Joshua
Nov 28-Dec 26
6 week series on Advent from the book of Isaiah
August 15-Sept 5
Pastor Mark brings a 4 week series from the Psalms
July 25
Pastor Tyler preaches on Paul's prayer to the church in Ephesians 1
June 5
Reflections from the Altar
May 16
Pastor Jeff shares a message from Genesis 32:22-31
Feb 14-Mar 7
Pastor Mark teaches from the Book of Habakkuk
August 18
Pastor Mark preaches from Luke 17:1-10 in a sermon entitled Attitude Adjustment
June 16
The staff present a look back on what God did and look forward to what He will do in 2024-2025
May 14-August 27
Pastor Mark begins a new series on how God wants you to live and experience the fruit of a happy life.
May 7
Pastor Jeff preaches on how Jesus resisted Satan's attempts of temptation in Matthew 4:1-11
January 8-April 23
Pastor Mark continues the series in 1 Corinthians
December 4
Jim Thorp shares about his ministry through the lens of 2 Timothy 4
August 14
Pastor Mark shares from 2 Timothy during our outdoor service
April 24-May 29
Pastor Mark continues the series in the Book of Joshua
Jan 9-Feb 6
Pastor Mark teaches on 5 issues that get us stuck in our relationship with Christ
Oct 30-Nov 21
A 4 week series looking at the challenges that face the church today.
August 1-August 8
Pastor Jeff teaches from Ecclesiastes 12 and how if you fear God you will have peace
June 19-July 18
Pastor Mark preaches from the book of 2 Thessalonians on the return of Christ
May 30
Pastor Mark shares a message from Philippians 2:19-30
Mar 21-May 9
Pastor Mark dives into a series on the book of 1 Corinthians 13: 1-7
August 11
Pastor Mark preaches from Psalm 55 on how we can be a Church for the City
October 29
Gary Peterson from Wycliffe shares on Bible Translation for Priority One Weekend
July 30
Pastor Jeff preaches from John 6:25-35 on how Jesus is the Bread of Life.
April 30
Pastor Jeff Poush teaches from the Book of Leviticus on holiness
January 1
Pastor Mark preaches from Lamentations 3:16-26 about the Rhythms of Grace
September11-November 27
Pastor Mark brings us a series from the Book of 1 Corinthians.
June 5-Sept. 4
Pastor Mark takes a Deep Dive into the Book of 1 John
Apr 15-17
Good Friday & Easter services
Jan 2
Pastor Jeff preaches from Exodus 17:8-16
Sept 12-Oct 17
Pastor Mark takes on a 6 week journey into the Bride of Christ and what it look's like in Jesus' eyes.
August 1
Pastor Jeff preaches from Ecclesiastes 1 and how we should focus on eternal things
We look ahead to what God has planned and look back at what He has done
May 23
Pastor Tyler shares a message from 2 Peter 2
March 14
Pastor Jeff Poush teaches on what it means to be a church for the city
February 7
Guest pastor Al Perkins shares from the book of Matthew
January 9
Pastor Jeff brings the message from 1 John 1:1-4 about the joy that Jesus brings
Jan 16-Jan 31
Pastor Mark preaches on how to start the year off the right way
Dec 29-Jan 3
Pastor Jeff and Pastor Mark share on how to remember the past and plan for the future
Sept 12-Nov 29
Pastor Mark preaches in the book of Colossians
Dec 5-Dec 19
Pastor Mark preaches the birth of Jesus in the first 3 chapters of Matthew
September 5
Pastor Tyler shares from the book of Nahum
August 22
Pastor Jeff teaches on how we stand firm in the mighty hand of God from 1 Peter
August 29
Pastor Jeff teaches that to show the world you're a christian, you show them Jesus